Friday, 27 May 2011

Summer Term

We have 'Village Day' coming up on the 4th of June and will be selling plants, brownies ( edible ones of course) and books so if you get time, please bring all you can for our stall.

After half term we will be continuing with our Recycle, Re-use and reduce badge.

We are lucky to be getting together with Ray Swift our lovely village litter-picker on the 9th of June who will accompany us around the village for a while helping to collect litter. If anyone happens to have a litter picker-upper, please send it in with your Brownie!
He will be joining us for a cup of tea and some cakes afterwards.

The following week we will be making junk picture frames. (16th June)

A few pictures from other times...

Last term we celebrated the Royal wedding, made hats, learned how to lay a table properly and had a feast!

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Japanese Treasure Boxes

We were loaned 4 boxes of fantastic Japanese items for the night and had a great time trying on kimonos and looking at fighting sticks, tea bowls, wall hangings and all sorts of amazing stuff.

This was also the evening for making junk musical instruments and the Brownies all played along to Brown Owls' superb rendition of 'I'm a nut, I'm a nut I'm CRAZY!'
A fun night.

Monday, 23 May 2011

Wildflower Walk May 12th 2011

Welcome to our Blogsite.
I am completely new to this blogging thing so hopefully things will improve as we go along.
I'm hoping we can use this site to show parents what we have been up to and any other announcements or comments.
Please feel free to add your own comments or thoughts.
If anyone has any problems about your Brownies appearing in photos, let me know asap.

Summer Term 2011

On May 12th The Brownies did a wildflower walk to the cricket pitch with an identifier sheet showing 12 wildflowers which live close by.
We spotted Red Campion, Speedwell, Vetch and Birds Foot Trefoil and Clover whose leaves looked like our promise badge!
It was a beautiful evening and great to get out and about now the evenings are light.