Monday, 18 July 2011

14th July - Coldharbour Wood

Apologies for the delay in posting this - my camera took some very dodgy photos that evening so I managed to scrounge some from Andrea Mann - (thanks Andrea!)

Tonight was our last meeting and we were lent a lovely spot to have it, by en Bloch's Neighbour Sally.
Georgia and Harriet the Guides helped to make a camp fire which meant one thing- Marshmallows!!!

Den Building

Lucy and I took our promise together and we were joined by our District Commissioner, Phoebe and our local Guide leader, Judy.
Badges were handed out for our completed Reduce, Reuse & Recycle challenge which we have been working towards all term- well done everyone!

We also said our farewells to Steph who stepped down from being Brown Owl this evening. She received a bunch of flowers, a fabulous cake made by Debbie Knight and a picture of the pack along with other goodies.

So that means I am now officially the new Brown Owl!

There will be no more posts until September 15th when we start our new term.


Please have a think about what you would like to do next term- bring some ideas with you to the first meeting if you can!
See you in September!

Brown Owl Jools x

Friday, 8 July 2011

July 7th - Cook Night

Despite my not being there for most of the meeting ( leadership training course in Southsea of all places... ) It seems the Brownies cooked up a storm with scones, chocolate crispies and fruit kebabs. Yum. Missed out on that one...

We had a nice group photo taken outside- Just a shame Brown owl was ill and not in the picture. ( along with a few Brownies! )

Rebekah Weaver and Jenny Edmondson stepped in to help at the last minute which was great-thank you ladies! We could not have run the meeting without you.
I wish I had more to tell you but I haven't heard how it all went yet!

Friday, 1 July 2011

June 30th - Water Fun Night

Again, a lovely sunny evening so we spent the meeting outside.

We played all sorts of water races with filled balloons, hopping whilst carrying a cup of water, above the head, under and over, the lot. We measured to see which six were the winners after each race.

The brownies bought in their toothbrushes and we took turns to brush teeth for 2 minutes while keeping the tap running- this too was measured and 7 litres of water was used!! 7 litres!
The next team did it  using the tap only to rinse the brush during and at the end. Only 1 litre was used between them, which is quite a difference, we thought. 
It was good to see the Owls running around too...