Sunday, 23 October 2011

October 20th

Tonight we went to the Taro Centre in Petersfield for some fun in the water.
I can't post any photos because there aren't any!
I think the Brownies were well and truly tired at the end of a rather long session and probably slept like logs that night.
Half Term begins and we have a week to recover from the first half of the term.
I'll send out a term planner next week telling you what we will be up to until December- the good news, parents, is that we will be doing' Home Skills Badge' which involves them making their beds for a whole week! Yay. Enjoy it while it lasts! 
See you on 3rd November.

Friday, 14 October 2011

October 13th 2011

Tonight was fun.
We were very lucky to have the company of PC Smith, our local police officer who helped us work towards a 'Crime Prevention Badge'
He talked to us about stranger danger, keeping your possessions safe, marking precious possessions with invisible ink ( which of course they loved ) and keeping your house safe from intruders.
The evening went really quickly and the girls were captivated the whole time.

As part of the badge they had to act out scenarios to show the right and wrong way of going about the topics covered.
We all learnt a lot and it gave the girls lots to think about.
Soon we will make some posters and that's the badge covered!

Next week Swimming at the Taro centre!

Saturday, 8 October 2011

6th October 2011

The Brownies got to try on their new promise bracelets that we made last week-they turned out so well and hopefully we'll enjoy making some more in December to sell on our stall at the Village Christmas Fair.

We had a blast cooking scones  and chocolate Krispy cakes despite a few mishaps along the way and sold them all at the end of the meeting!

Liss Horticultural society gave us crocus bulbs, pots and compost for a competition. hey will come to a meeting in February to judge the best entries and give out some prizes. They aren't too bothered if the bulbs fail and will give points for clean well decorated pots.
In the chaos that prevailed tonight, the girls all left their pots behind so next week they will bring them home and look after them until we say " bring them in"

Next week we will have Pc Smith joining us to help us work towards our 'Crime Prevention' badge.
I'm not sure that cuddly toys will be able to take the security ink to mark precious possessions.....;)