Friday, 9 December 2011

December 7th- Village Christmas Fair

Another bit of divine intervention as far as the weather was concerned- a lovely clear night which bought loads of people out. Compared with the following day-wet, windy, revolting. Phew!

We had a bit of a buying frenzy shortly after setting up with the Chocolate Brownies selling like hot cakes ( or brownies..)
We could have sold twice the amount!
The baby owls went too along with half the bracelets so we have some stock for next summers fair at Newman Collard.

Some of the Brownies had practical maths lessons working out what change to give people! they all worked very hard when they were helping!
We took a very impressive £100!!! 

The Petersfield Herald took our photo so watch out for it in next weeks paper.
Here are some photos...

Thank you to everyone who baked brownies for our stall- you are stars!

I've got some other pics in a portrait format but cannot seem to rotate them!
These will have to do for now. if I suss it out I'll post them soon!

Have a great Christmas everyone and see you on 12th January.

Friday, 2 December 2011

The real 24th November!

First, a catch up from last week having failed to post anything at all!
Last week we enrolled 5 new Brownies!
Jessica, Emily, Amy, Louisa and Abigail. They all said their promises perfectly and although I made a 'pond' as part of the ceremony, I forgot to use it until a Brownie helpfully reminded me! So we 'twisted them and turned them' all at the end!

We made  a start on our bracelets that we will be trying to sell on the stall at the Liss Christmas Village fair next Weds.

This week- Thursday 1st December

We were joined by two lovely girls, Lucy and Emma from Bohunt School who are working towards their DOE awards. They'll be helping us each week from January for 3 months!

After a quick catch up with the Home Skills Badge because some of the girls were away when we did stuff a few weeks ago, we went on to making bracelets again to build up some actual stock- the Brownies wanted to BUY their own bracelets so we had to make more!

Christmas presents were handed out- some gorgeous handmade owls by Mrs Stemp, Abigails Mum. What about these then?!

I love them!

I promoted several Brownies to Sixers and Seconders for next term and presented the leavers, Anna, Molly and Kayleigh with a badge, certificate and a small gift to say goodbye.
In the chaos of all that excitement- we forgot to do Brownie Bells and say goodbye properly.
I'll do a post next weekend with pics of the Christmas fair stall and let you know how much we raised.

Ps Thanks Mrs Park who helped out last night!