Monday, 30 January 2012

26th January

This week we started working on our Craft Badge.
Part of the badge is to weave something like a friendship bracelet. Quite a few Brownies bought kits in and we had a good selection of threads so they divided up into groups and made a good effort. There were some lovely bracelets but I don't have any photos as yet.
Brown owl set up a table in the corner and they all took turns in ' marbling' some paper.
We had 3 colours, orange pink and red and the results were great.
We'll be using this paper to make cards in two weeks time.

This week it's swimming at the Taro Centre. See you down there!

Some more photo's of our dragon heads from last week...

Saturday, 21 January 2012

19th January

Chinese New Year!
We got started straight away on making Dragon's heads. Each Six had a box,  loads of crepe and tissue paper and lots of glue.
The results were amazing and all very individual.
They took turns to dance to some Chinese music and had a great hoot by the looks of it...

A very industrious meeting and lots of shredded paper everywhere!
We even managed to take a photo of our pack for our American Pen Pals!
Two Brownies plus an Owl were missing unfortunately- Lily, Abigail and Barn Owl.

Next week we are going to start working towards our Craft Badge by making friendship Bracelets and trying our hand at 'Marbling' some paper- sounds like a busy one!

Friday, 13 January 2012

SPRING TERM 2012 - 12th January

Welcome back!
We had a good first meeting of the new term where we talked about what we'll be doing. I told the girls about our 'Sister Troop' of Girl Scouts as they are known, in Los Angeles. They were firing questions and seemed very excited to find out about their new pen pals.
More on that later.

We made New Years resolution stars and they had to come up with 5 things to work towards. without much prompting, they all knew what they should be doing - being kind to siblings, arguing and answering back less, helping with chores and all sorts. Going to know it sinks in, all our 'going on' at them...!

We were joined by our very helpful DOE's from Bohunt School, Lucy and Emily.
We had a good game of 'guess what's in the bag' and the Tweenies made things to help them settle in.
All in all a good night.

Next week its Chinese New Year- find out what sign you are!

I'm a Dragon. No really.