Thursday, 29 March 2012

22nd March

This was the last meeting of the term and the girls bought in unfinished craft projects to be tested. Most of them got their craft badges at the end of the evening. 4 new Brownies were enrolled and 3 left.
Emily's mum kindly baked us some cakes which will be her last as Emily left tonight as well.
We managed to get outside for a run around game for our World Guiding Badge work which we all enjoyed after being cooped up in the hut all winter!

                                                              OOPS- that's not right!
                                         " In and out the Brownie circle...."


More pictures soon!

Saturday, 3 March 2012

1st March

We had half term and then had to cancel a meeting- that was going to be our 'Thinking day meeting'. Ah well, people get ill at this time of year!

So this week we played 'catch up' and managed to: Find out about our craft badge work, laid a table nicely for a proper english Cream Tea, prepared scones, whipped cream and made anzac biscuits. The Sixers and seconders wrote out a recipe for a scrapbook that we'll be putting together for our sister troop.

Mrs Goodyear kindly stepped in to help with cooking and we had a fantastic cake sale at the end raising about £15.00!

The best news is that some of the girls organised a cake sale at school for 3 days this week and raised a staggering amount of money which I will collect next week and tell you about. They did really well!

No photos as yet, but soon as they appear I'll post them.

NEXT WEEK: Yoga at church! Bring a mat if you can....