Monday, 28 May 2012

May Fayre May 26th

What a long, hot day but great weather!
We had a good stall this year selling lovely crafty handmade items from Liz Stemp which sold like hot cakes.
We had some very good guesses at the weight of the fruit and veg basket which was very full and you could only just lift it!
Gina Logan won in the end, a very close call.
Lots of little ones took advantage of our 'make a crown' activity to get out of the sun so all in all, a great day.
It was busy and the girls worked hard, taking it in turns to sell.

This week is our last meeting for a few weeks and we'll be enrolling our Tweenies at our Jubilee tea party.

Monday, 21 May 2012

19th May

Apologies for the lack of posts recently - It's been a busy time and no decent photos to share.


Last week we painted some jubilee style bunting- one piece each which we will string together this week and put up.

We also discussed how we were going to build our scarecrows for the scarecrow festival in June- we have lots of work to do as the girls decided to do one for each six!
It finally stopped raining so we got outside for a much needed game- we played Port, Starboard which was a hit and they begged us to keep goingagain and again!


The Re-scheduled Car Boot Sale took place at West Liss Rec ( very handy, just outside the hut) and we had tons of things to sell thanks to all the donations- we made £97.40! astonishing! Well done to all that helped.